
All religions are allowed in Kryshar, its international
Our country doesn't just follow a main religion in specific. The government certainly doesn't force the whole population to follow just one religion because all religions are welcome in Kryshar. One of the utopian factors that make this country so very pleasant to live in is that every religion is accepted.
The main religion that the population follow is Christianity. However, there are many other people that believe in different religions, like Islam, Judaism and Buddhism. This is the reason that now, in the present, everyone is tolerant and accepting of the other person's religion. This is important because otherwise there would be constant conflict in this country, since it is a hotpot of different cultures and religions. This has prevented violence and any persecution from occurring in the country. The population has lived together for many, many years by now, which has made them accepting.
Since I mentioned above that Christianity has the biggest following in this country, I will be talking about it mostly on this page.

It would be important to talk about the history of Christianity first. Christianity actually grew from Judaism. Therefore there are quite a few Jews in Kryshar. This is an important fact because Kryshar also stayed out of the mess that was called World War II. Instead of fighting, it opened its borders to any refugees that are running for their lives. These fugitives were mostly Jews. Kryshar cooperated with Switzerland to shelter any people in need of help and staying neutral throughout the war. That was also part of the reason that Switzerland and Kryshar are so closely linked and working together.
Christianity and Judaism are therefore closely linked. They both share the same fundamental beliefs. The history of these religions all branch out from the Old Testament and the Ten Commandments, which make up the basis of these religions. Due to their shared basis, Christianity and Judaism get along well, especially in Kryshar because there are so many different cultures and they all got used to living together. The Islam religion also shares some similarities with those other religions because it also involves Jesus.

Monuments and buildings for religious purposes:
  •  There will be churches spread throughout the country. There will be one in every major city and larger town. They will mostly be large, impressive cathedrals with tinted glass for the Catholics of the country. The Protestants also have some separate churches which are plainer than the cathedrals, according to their belief that they don't need material wealth to decorate their church, their strength of belief is enough. However, Protestants can also pray from home because of that belief.
  •  Like mentioned above, because of its history, Kryshar has a fairly large Jewish population. Therefore, they have supplied them with several synagogues. Since there aren't as many Jews as Christians, there won't be that many synagogues. There will definitely be one in the capital and other big cities.
  •  Other main religions will also be supplied with their places of worship. All of these will be found in the capital city, in the religious sector of the city. 
Christmas is a national holiday
Religious Festivals:
  • The main festivals that are celebrated world-wide like Christmas, Easter and others, will be a national holiday for everyone in Kryshar, no matter what religion they do or don't believe in, because those festivals are universal.
  • The main festivals of other religions like Ramadan will also be national holidays for everyone because a noticeable section of the population believes in the Islam religion.
  • If any other people want to take a day off from work because of a religious holiday that isn't as popular as the other ones mentioned above. The people that have a job and have a religious holiday are allowed to call their boss and tell them about the holiday to take a day off, the same applies to students and school. It isn't compulsory for them to take a day off, but it is optional if they choose to. The boss or teacher would then have to allow them a day off if they request it. Of course, it isn't permitted to make up holidays, because the teacher and boss can search up if the holiday exists really easily. But they are allowed to have a day off if it does exist because it is their right to follow their religion and beliefs.

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