
Before I start talking about the economic structure of this wonderful country, it is important to note that its geographic location is next to Switzerland as stated often in the Geography section of this website. Due to these two countries being neighbors, Kryshar has taken some examples from Switzerland on how to run the economic side of the country. Therefore several of their values are going to be similar in some aspects because of their similar market system.
Kryshar is a mixed market economy. This means that the government doesn't generally intervene when it comes to trading or economy in general. The government doesn't own any of the companies.
Companies can profit from the economic system
These companies can then decide what they want to sell or buy from the other countries. However, the government doesn't completely let the people do what they want for the economy. If the country is in need of a certain material, then they will take care of the trading to make sure that the material gets ordered. In general, the government is also in charge of the money for reserves. The government helps in crisis situations. As an example, they provide insurance and work together with the bank to help provide good interest rates to help the population get over the crisis situation. All of these aspects make this country great because that means that the people of Kryshar can fall back on the government to support them in their time of need. They will have some access to social services, but not that many because the taxes aren't that high and the government feels that it isn't good for all people that they helped them too much. The free market economy aspects are still a great addition to the country's economic system because it introduces variety to Kryshar's market because the companies can choose what they need to import and export to other countries.This gives people and companies the opportunity to make profit from the freedom to choose what to buy and sell, which is a characteristic of the free market economy.

In the past, Kryshar had its own currency within its borders. It was in form of notes and coins. The currency overall was called the Krysh. However, with the change from the complete monarchy to the constitutional monarchy, the country has adopted the Euros as well to encourage travel into the country, so that they don't have to exchange currency when they enter. This encourages tourism because anyone is allowed to visit Kryshar.

Import: Kryshar doesn't focus its forces and resources on building a lot of factories. They do have some factories but they are few and sparse because it isn't good for the environment for there to be many factories. The amount of exhaust and CO2 being released would cause serious air pollution. This in turn could affect several people's health. If a person had breathing difficulties, then the polluted air might cause asthma or suffocation in some cases.This is why Kryshar needs to import these produced and processed products, because they aren't produced in Kryshar. This is another reason why people want to go and visit Kryshar. Kryshar has one of the cleanest air and atmosphere in the world because of its sparse factories. That means that anyone with any health problems has no problems to live in Kryshar, because they shouldn't have any problems with the little amount of air pollution going on.
Export: Wood can be harvested from the forest. A section is going to be cut off from the forest exclusively for growing and cutting down trees. This is done in a controlled and regulated manner so that the animals that live in the forest still keep their habitat. Dairy products like milk, cheese and creme are also going to be exported from the herds in the Alps. The people living up there are in charge of herding the cows and produce some of the finest cheese there is. Finally we are also exporting minerals from the mountains that were mined from the mines. Some farms around the country would also be able to export some crops.

Trade: Kryshar trades with the countries around them, especially Germany, France and Switzerland because of the close proximity with them and their shared borders. In general, Kryhar however trades with other countries that are part of the UN. Therefore it participates in global trade. It follows the sanctions that have been set out for other countries, like North Korea among others as well. However, trade is a major part of Kryshar's economy because of the steady export and import system we have developed over time.

GDP: (official exchange rate): $670 billion
GDP growth rate: 3%
GDP per capita: $59,000
The GDP is made up out of agriculture for the most part along with services. Services also plays an important part in the country's GDP because of the steady stream of tourists that pour into the country due to the geographic terrain of Kryshar. The mountains and the forests present a lot of opportunities for tourists to participate in a lot of activities, which benefit the country's income. The agriculture for the GDP comes from trading a lot with other countries. The GDP has therefore been steadily rising at a gradual rate, but it is evident that the prosperity of the country is clearly rising. Most of this country's wealth came through trading and the steady tourism.

Unemployment rate: 3%

Tax:  (up to) 20%
It isn't a high amount but also not very low because the government needs the money to build and supply schools for their citizens. Public hospitals and governmental shelters for its citizens are also supplied using these taxes.The citizens benefit a lot from this. They only have to pay 20% of their wages to the government as tax (which is already very low in comparison to other European countries) and then the government supplies them with help if they need it and a safe country in return. This is another characteristic that make this country a true Utopia.

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