The Civil Law |
The Civil law is actually a very wide-spread law; many countries follow it across the globe.
Like with all judicial systems, civil law has its fair share of benefits and limitations.
Benefits: The civil law is just and fair.
- The society can depend on it to hardly ever waver in its decision and stay firm with what they have decided. This is because civil war builds on the precedent decisions it has made in the past. It will therefore also hopefully lower the crime rate when Kryshar follows the civil law because the civil law clearly follows the previously laid out rules.
- This is one point where the civil law is superior to the common law: in common law, it is basically a battle between the lawyers of the accuser and the accused because they just need to impress the jury. The lawyers can argue about the motivations of the criminal. As an example, if they stole an apple, their lawyer can argue and debate that they are homeless, hungry and have a family to feed. This might sway the jury to call the criminal innocent or at least give a light punishment. However, that is only what the lawyer said about the criminal. The lawyer gets payed to try and convince the jury of the criminal's cause. Therefore the criminal might actually be guilty, but the lawyer was so good that they convinced the jury otherwise. In civil law, a panel of judges will look at the given evidence and listen to the eye witnesses. They won't be swayed by lawyers talking about the motivations and intentions of the criminal. They will look at the evidence at hand and then follow the given rules and give the punishment fitting for the crime. Therefore there will be no room for arguing and debating. Since the population knows this, the crime rate will drop dramatically, because the citizens know that their reasons for doing a crime won't be considered, because at the end of the day, they have still committed a crime.
- Like mentioned in the previous point, there is going to be a panel of judges. A panel of judges will be much, much harder to corrupt and bribe than one jury, which would be the case for the common law. One jury can easily be swayed and be biased towards a certain side. They can also be bribed fairly easily. With civil law, bribing will be very unlikely because there will be multiple people they would nee to bribe. Also, it would then be a group decision for the crime, it wouldn't just depend on the opinion of a single person. This would make the final decision fairer and more just.
- If the rules were too harsh and civil law was applied, then the judges would constantly follow these laid out rules.
- It will take some time for the laws to change. This will truly be the case if the country has followed these rules for many decades. It will be hard for the government officials and the population to agree on the new laws because it will take some time adjusting to. However, the judges are completely willing to change the rules depending on the social changes that might occur within the country.
Example of police force |
Punishments: There will be different punishments varying in harshness depending on the crime. For some of the worst crimes like rape, drug abuse and murder the punishments will get very harsh. However, there is one clear rule in Kryshar, which is that there is no capital punishment. The worst punishment would be a lifetime sentence in jail. The main prison will be located on the outskirts of the capital city. Besides that punishment, there will also be banishment from Kryshar, especially if the offense is repeated again. The expulsion from the country and lifetime imprisonment will ensure that the criminals are no longer in Kryshar to destroy its purity. These punishments combined with the civil law will make sure that the potential criminals will think twice before committing a crime. This means that the crime rates in Kryshar are thankfully very low.
Human Rights: Everyone in Kryshar will have the same human rights as is applied to everyone else in the world. Those are the basic human rights that everyone must have. To add to that the government is doing everything to the best of their ability to improve living conditions, especially for its own citizens. As an example, the government will make sure that everyone will at least have the basic education provided to them. In Kryshar, the government will provide free schooling until they finish grade 12. For further education like university, the students would have to pay. This ensures that everyone in this country has a fair start to a good life. Furthermore, the government is very supportive of its own citizens. The government provides government-supplied buildings for the citizens that have no home or can't afford theirs easily. A government hospital is located in the capital of the country because everyone has a right to proper medical care. Every working person also has medical insurance and can go to other hospitals to use them. All religions are also allowed in Kryshar because another basic human right is freedom of belief and religion, which Kryshar gives to everyone in the country because this is what makes it a Utopia. Another reason that Kryshar is an utopian country is because everyone has the right to a fair trial. Criminals won't just be punished, they will have to stand in court and get a fair and unbiased trial.
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